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Pages: Quotes, Dire Issues, Zionist messages: M.L. King; RFK;

Monday, January 31, 2011

U.S.-Mexico Border Violence Is Diminishing, Napolitano Says - Bloomberg

SHAMNESTY!!>> U.S.-Mexico Border Violence Is Diminishing, Napolitano Says - Bloomberg

US judge strikes down Obama health care overhaul

CorruptoCare! US judge strikes down Obama health care overhaul

Grad rockets hit Netivot, Ofakim - Israel News, Ynetnews

Grad rockets hit Netivot, Ofakim - Israel News, Ynetnews

Elder of Ziyon: UNRWA report on Pal. poverty in Lebanon flies under the radar

Elder of Ziyon: UNRWA report on Pal. poverty in Lebanon flies under the radar

Former CIA director pushes for Pollard release

Former CIA director pushes for Pollard release

Gates of Vienna: Statement by Lars Hedegaard on his Acquittal

Gates of Vienna: Statement by Lars Hedegaard on his Acquittal

Muslim Brotherhood leader: Prepare for war with Israel - Jihad Watch

Muslim Brotherhood leader: Prepare for war with Israel - Jihad Watch

YID With LID: "Non-Extremist" Muslim Brotherhood Warns “Prepare for War with Israel”

YID With LID: "Non-Extremist" Muslim Brotherhood Warns “Prepare for War with Israel”

Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood Backs ElBaradei Role -

Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood Backs ElBaradei Role -

Elder of Ziyon: The Muslim Brotherhood, 1948 (John Roy Carlson)

Elder of Ziyon: The Muslim Brotherhood, 1948 (John Roy Carlson)

YID With LID: Media Matters Blames The Egyptian Crisis on Those Foreign Policy-Controlling, Media-Owning JEWS

YID With LID: Media Matters Blames The Egyptian Crisis on Those Foreign Policy-Controlling, Media-Owning JEWS

The Middle East’s Intifada

Iran II The Middle East’s Intifada

Sunday, January 30, 2011

POTUS Parties at Atlantic Media’s Douglass Home - FishbowlDC

POTUS Parties at Atlantic Media’s Douglass Home - FishbowlDC

YID With LID: A Note From Rabbi Steven Wernick One of The 400 Rabbis Who Slandered Glenn Beck

Jewish stooges & useless idiots.>> YID With LID: A Note From Rabbi Steven Wernick One of The 400 Rabbis Who Slandered Glenn Beck

Muslim Brotherhood throws support behind ElBaradei

Muslim Brotherhood throws support behind ElBaradei

Israel Matzav: Video: John Bolton on Egypt

Israel Matzav: Video: John Bolton on Egypt

Israel Matzav: Great news: Bedouin smugglers control Egyptian towns closest to Gaza

Israel Matzav: Great news: Bedouin smugglers control Egyptian towns closest to Gaza

YID With LID: A Note From Rabbi Steven Wernick One of The 400 Rabbis Who Slandered Glenn Beck

YID With LID: A Note From Rabbi Steven Wernick One of The 400 Rabbis Who Slandered Glenn Beck

Saad Eddin Ibrahim - Obama is too friendly with tyrants

Saad Eddin Ibrahim - Obama is too friendly with tyrants

Red Alert: Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood | STRATFOR

Red Alert: Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood | STRATFOR

Americans grow weary of political hocus-pocus: Paul Jenkins |

Americans grow weary of political hocus-pocus: Paul Jenkins |

RubinReports: I Bet You Were Waiting for This: Who's Fault Is the Egyptian Revolt?

RubinReports: I Bet You Were Waiting for This: Who's Fault Is the Egyptian Revolt?

Elder of Ziyon: No Jews with kippahs allowed at Rutgers anti-Zionist event

Elder of Ziyon: No Jews with kippahs allowed at Rutgers anti-Zionist event

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

@jstrevino WTF does "You're sabra, I take it?..." mean? What a disappointment you are, trevino. Your cheap shots&distorted reporting are breathtaking. I was born in Boston, as were my 2 as a proud USA citizen in Israel now. My mistake for taking you seriously in the first place. Your bullying and taunting are spineless and repugnant. And, yes, I suppose the Left and Right meet at the nexus of anti-Semitism at some point: you are at that point, and beyond.

@jstrevino WTF does "You're sabra, I take it?..." mean? What a disappointment you are, trevino. Your cheap shots&distorted reporting are breathtaking. I was born in Boston, as were my 2 as a proud USA citizen in Israel now. My mistake for taking you seriously in the first place. Your bullying and taunting are spineless and repugnant. And, yes, I suppose the Left and Right meet at the nexus of anti-Semitism at some point: you are at that point, and beyond.

Is It Not Torture When the Prisoner is a Jew? :: The Phyllis Chesler Organization

Is It Not Torture When the Prisoner is a Jew? :: The Phyllis Chesler Organization

Peretz-the-Leftist Defames Pollard As "Repellent Viper"

Peretz-the-Leftist Defames Pollard As "Repellent Viper"

Challah Hu Akbar: Geoge Shultz Calls for the Pardoning Pollard

Challah Hu Akbar: Geoge Shultz Calls for the Pardoning Pollard: "CHALLAH In a remarkable development in the Jonathan Pollard case the former secretary of state and highly respected national ..."

Thursday, January 6, 2011

KFC Muslim Employee Screams Insults At Customer Asking For Bacon

Angels and Demons : Israellycool

Angels and Demons : Israellycool