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Pages: Quotes, Dire Issues, Zionist messages: M.L. King; RFK;

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Egypt: Obama and Ayers's Post-American Middle-East - Atlas Shrugs

Egypt: Obama and Ayers's Post-American Middle-East - Atlas Shrugs

1 comment:

  1. Gary, Great post. Those of us who lived during those times were well aware of Ayers, et al,agenda to inflict their sick totalitarian ideologicl infection on the world. A big factor, support by the Soviet Union for their treacherous intentions, is never reported by the elite leftist media; the scam continues to this day. The sad fact of the matter is that their anti-semitism is given a pass or totally ignored in the U.S. by the very community they seek to eliminate. Just my opinion....William McCullough
