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Pages: Quotes, Dire Issues, Zionist messages: M.L. King; RFK;

Monday, January 23, 2012

MUST READ: Why Jerusalem is “Holy” for the Muslims | JewishPress

MUST READ: Why Jerusalem is “Holy” for the Muslims | JewishPress

1 comment:

  1. Jerusalem, at least the Old City and the Temple Mount, has been a Palestinian political demand ever since it was liberated from the illegitimate Jordanian occupation in June 1967, despite the fact that it was never the capital of anything throughout Islamic history, and was not even the regional capital of Palestine after the Muslim Conquest in 627 CE. The capital was Ramle, 30 kilometers to the west from Jerusalem. And so, we ask: Why is Jerusalem holy to a religion that was established and developed in the Arabian desert, today’s Saudi Arabia? How did Jerusalem win the status of “the third holiest site in Islam” despite the fact that it does not appear even once in the Qur’an? Why, did only Sunni Muslims, traditionally, consider Jerusalem as a holy city while Shi’is do not?
