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Pages: Quotes, Dire Issues, Zionist messages: M.L. King; RFK;

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Sultan Knish a blog by Daniel Greenfield

Sultan Knish a blog by Daniel Greenfield


  1. It has become mainstream to speak of the Saudi royals as reformers and allies, while denouncing Israel as a reactionary backward state that's always causing trouble. The Saudis and their Gulf pals can pony up the Riyals to slam planes into the White House and the Pentagon, slowly behead women for witchcraft and promote an ideology so vicious that it gives Nazism an even run in the 100 meter genocide dash-- and come away with applause. But when an Israeli Prime Minister goes to the negotiating table with his worst enemies, he's greeted with a chorus of boos.

  2. We hear all the time about the Israel lobby and its supposed omnipotent powers controlling the US and other western governments. In reality of course, it is the vast insidious Arab-muslim-oil lobby which has a chokehold on western governments, dictating its Mideast policies. How else have we come to a situation in which an invented “palestinian” people claim that the ancient homeland of the Jewish people really belongs to them and that the Jews are colonialist occupiers, and the world simply accepts this preposterous claim? Why else would the world be demanding the creation of a 22nd Arab state, a 57th muslim state and a second Arab-muslim state in mandatory Palestine out of land to be taken away from the sole, tiny Jewish state? And this injustice against the Jewish people we are told is a fair, just and equitable solution. Whenever you hear people in the media, academia and former diplomats ranting against an insidious Israel lobby, chances are that they themselves are bought and paid for by the wretched saudi-Arab-muslim lobby.
